Application tips

Your application is your first step into our company and your chance to impress us. Make sure your documents are complete and precise. A clearly structured resume, relevant certificates, and all important proofs are essential. Ensure there are no gaps and all information is easily understandable.

Complete application documents include:

  • Comprehensive resume
  • Certificates
  • Proofs and certifications
  • Earliest possible start date
  • Salary expectations
Are you ready? Then click here.

Please note that incomplete application documents will lead to a delay in the application process, as the departments cannot review them. Missing documents will result in the termination of the process, leading to a rejection from our side.

What happens next?

You have applied to us, and we want to get to know you. 2-3 days after the personal interview, we will call you and provide feedback. After your acceptance, we will clarify any remaining questions about your employment contract, and then it’s:

Welcome to the Thomas Preuhs Campus!